Damiano MartorelliDamiano Martorelli

Damiano Martorelli was born in Feltre (BL), but he has been living and studying since childhood in the two Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano (Italy).

Engineer, historian, archaeologist, he has a valid academic preparation, with a level II Master's degree in "Intelligence & ICT" achieved, with honors, at the University of Udine, a research doctorate in Material Science, Mechatronics and System Engineering achieved at the University of Trento in collaboration with FBK-Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and two master's degrees with honors respectively in Engineering and Archeology at the University of Trento. Furthermore, he has had the EFPA international certification in the financial sector (www.efpa-italia.it), and more recently he qualified as a FIPAV volleyball coach and is a CSEN/CONI certified instructor and mental coach.

After having held various managerial roles in multiple companies, he now owns his consultancy firm in the engineering, archaeological and training fields.

Furthermore, within the scope of more general archaeometric techniques and the conservation and valorisation of cultural heritage, some of his university collaborations are included as a Level I Archaeologist, according to Ministerial Decree 244/2019, registered under no. 12725 of the national list at the Italian Ministry of Culture, and in possession of the requirements for the execution of "Preventive Archeology Investigations" with the issuing of the Final Document according to Legislative Decree 50/2016, art. 25. Furthermore, he is a member of EAA, European Association of Archaeologists.

Currently, he is a scientific consultant and member of the Board of Directors of the Historical Reenactment Association Luporum Filii, Vice President of the Italian Georadar Association (www.grp-italia.it), and a member of the Innovation Commission and the Forensic Commission of the Order of Engineers of Trento (Italy).

He has published a historical / fantasy novel, “Il segreto dello Stagno Incantato” (="The Secret of the Enchanted Pond", Youcanprint), winner of the "Dante Alighieri" award organized by EA Editore (2015) and of the "Diploma of Honor with Commendation" at the sixth edition of "Michelangelo Buonarroti" International Award (8 November 2021).

Furthermore, he is the author of four essays:

  • Introduzione alle figure retoriche nella lingua italiana” (Youcanprint, 2017), 
  • L’Alto Adige/Suedtirol dalla caduta dell’Impero Romano all’avvento di Carlo Magno” (2a ed. Youcanprint, 2017),
  • "Chiese e Cristianesimo in Alto Adige/Suedtirol dalla caduta di Roma all’avvento di Carlo Magno” (Youcanprint, 2020).
  • "Sulle tracce della Via Claudia Augusta. Una strada romana moderna", (Youcanprint, 2023)

Moreover, he has published the poetry collections:

  • Le 4 Stagioni del Cuore” (Youcanprint, 2013), winner of the “Premio Trinacria” 2014 (Monreale, PA, 15 Marzo 2014) inside the prize “Il Tempio” by EA Editore.
  • Rosa dei Venti” (Youcanprint, 2015), winner of the Diploma of Honor with Commendation Mention at the International Prize Michelangelo Buonarroti celebrated in Seravezza (LU-Italy), on 14th November 2015.
  • Sulle ali del vento” (Editrice Urso, 2015), published by Editrice Urso, as "selected author" in the Prize Libri di Versi in Diversi libri Ediz. 2014-2015
  • Il Vento della Memoria” (Editrice Urso, 2016), published by Editrice Urso, as "selected author" in the Prize Libri di Versi in Diversi libri Ediz. 2015-2016.
  • Il Faro dei Sogni” (Youcanprint, 2018).
  • Il nastro di Arianna” (Youcanprint, 2019), winner of the Diploma of Honor with Commendation Mention at the International Prize Michelangelo Buonarroti celebrated in Seravezza (LU-Italy), on 01st December 2019.

In 2014 he was invited as an author to exhibit two poems, "Aquile del Lagorai" (Lagorai's Eagles) and "La Sibilla bianca" (The white Sibyl), at the First Biennial of Creativity in Italy, in Verona (PalaExpo, 12-16 February 2014).

He has been also selected for the “Italian Encyclopedia of Contemporary poets“, vol. 2 (Aletti Editore, 2019) and for various poetry anthological editions.

Since 2018 he has also dedicated himself to photography. Some naturalistic shots were presented at the "Versi In-forma" exhibition (Kunst Grenzen, February 2021).

In 2019 she did some photo shoots related to the aerial acrobatic dance performances of Elementi ASD (Rovereto). Some photos have converged in the award-winning volume of photo-poems “Il Nastro di Arianna” (Youcanprint, 2019) relating to the performances of the artist Arianna Petrini (2019 Italian vice-champion of Aerial Acrobatic Dance, Aerial Silk category). You also exhibited some photos in the exhibition "Butterfly wings" organized by Kunst Grenzen (March 2021) for both the artist Arianna Petrini and the artist Chiara Larcher (2019 Italian Champion of Aerial Acrobatic Dance, combined Aerial Loop category). Finally, he exhibited some naturalistic shots as part of the exhibition "Versi IN-FORMA" (2021) dedicated to the poems of Angelo Magro.

Finally, occasionally he delights in the decoration of wooden objects with pyrography techniques.

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHG0eF0A6CyLS8A892nP7w

Instagram: @damiano.martorelli